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RPMs more than 1 months old

nagios-plugins-ssh-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_ssh EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-swap-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_swap EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-tcp-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_tcp EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-time-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_time EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-ups-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_ups EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-uptime-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_uptime EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-users-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_users EPEL 7 for aarch64
nagios-plugins-wave-2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ff.el7.aarch64 Nagios Plugin - check_wave EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 Advanced Resource Connector Grid Middleware EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-acix-cache-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch ARC cache index - cache server EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-acix-core-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch ARC cache index - core EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-acix-index-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch ARC cache index - index server EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-arex-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC Remote EXecution service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-aris-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC local information system EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-ca-utils-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch NorduGrid authentication tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-cache-service-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC cache service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-client-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC command line interface EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-datadelivery-service-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC data delivery service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-devel-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC development files EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-egiis-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC EGIIS service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-gridftpd-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC gridftp server EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-gridmap-utils-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch NorduGrid authorization tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-hed-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC Hosting Environment Daemon EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-java-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC Java wrapper EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-ldap-infosys-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch ARC LDAP information service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-ldap-monitor-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch ARC LDAP monitor service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 NorduGrid misc tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-plugins-gfal-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC GFAL plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC Globus plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC base plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-plugins-s3-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC S3 plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-plugins-xrootd-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC xrootd plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
nordugrid-arc-ws-monitor-5.4.4-2.el7.noarch ARC WS monitor service EPEL 7 for aarch64
nsd-4.2.2-1.el7.aarch64 Fast and lean authoritative DNS Name Server EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-bash-0.4.0-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to provide Bash scripts EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-core-0.4.0-1.el7.noarch Command line tool to build sets of software packages EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-package-selection-0.2.5-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to select the packages to process EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-ros-0.3.12-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to support ROS packages EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-zsh-0.4.0-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to provide Z shell scripts EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-jsmva-6.18.02-1.el7.noarch TMVA interface used by JupyROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-jupyroot-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 ROOT Jupyter kernel EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-nordugrid-arc-5.4.4-2.el7.aarch64 ARC Python 3 wrapper EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-otf2-2.2-4.el7.aarch64 Python 3 bindings for otf2 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-root-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Python extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-cli-6.18.02-1.el7.noarch ROOT command line utilities EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-cling-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Cling C++ interpreter EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-core-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 ROOT core libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-doc-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Documentation for the ROOT system EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-fftw-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 FFTW library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-foam-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 A Compact Version of the Cellular Event Generator EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-fonts-6.18.02-1.el7.noarch ROOT font collection EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-fumili-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Fumili library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gdml-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GDML import/export for ROOT geometries EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-genetic-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Genetic algorithms for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-genvector-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Generalized vector library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-geom-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Geometry library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 2D graphics library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-asimage-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 AfterImage graphics renderer for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-fitsio-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 ROOT interface for the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-gpad-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Canvas and pad library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-gviz-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Graphviz 2D library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-postscript-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Postscript/PDF renderer library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf-x11-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 X window system renderer for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf3d-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Basic 3D shapes library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf3d-csg-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Constructive solid geometry EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf3d-eve-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Event display library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf3d-gl-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GL renderer for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf3d-gviz3d-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Graphviz 3D library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-graf3d-x3d-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 X 3D renderer for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gui-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GUI library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gui-builder-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GUI editor library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gui-fitpanel-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GUI element for fits in ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gui-ged-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GUI element for editing various ROOT objects EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gui-html-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 HTML GUI library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-gui-recorder-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Interface for recording and replaying events in ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-hbook-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Hbook library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-hist-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Histogram library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-hist-factory-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 RooFit PDFs from ROOT histograms EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-hist-painter-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Histogram painter plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-html-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 HTML documentation generator for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-icons-6.18.02-1.el7.noarch ROOT icon collection EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-io-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Input/output of ROOT objects EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-io-dcache-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 dCache input/output library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-io-gfal-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Grid File Access Library input/output library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-io-sql-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 SQL input/output library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-io-xml-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 XML reader library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-io-xmlparser-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 XML parser library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-mathcore-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Core mathematics library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-mathmore-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GSL interface library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-matrix-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Matrix library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-memstat-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Memory statistics tool for use with ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-minuit-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Minuit library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-minuit2-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Minuit version 2 library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-mlp-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Multi-layer perceptron extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-montecarlo-eg-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Event generator library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-montecarlo-pythia8-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Pythia version 8 plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-montecarlo-vmc-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Virtual Monte-Carlo (simulation) library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-multiproc-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Multi-processor support for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-net-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Net library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-net-auth-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Authentication extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-net-davix-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Davix extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-net-http-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 HTTP server extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-net-httpsniff-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 HTTP sniffer extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-net-rpdutils-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Authentication utilities used by xproofd EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-netx-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 NetX extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-notebook-6.18.02-1.el7.noarch Static files for the Jupyter ROOT Notebook EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-physics-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Physics library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-proof-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 PROOF extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-proof-bench-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 PROOF benchmarking EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-proof-player-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 PROOF player extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-proof-sessionviewer-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GUI to browse an interactive PROOF session EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-quadp-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 QuadP library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-r-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 R interface for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-r-tools-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 R Tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-roofit-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 ROOT extension for modeling expected distributions EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-smatrix-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Sparse matrix library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-spectrum-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Spectra analysis library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-spectrum-painter-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Spectrum painter plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-splot-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Splot library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-sql-mysql-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 MySQL client plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-sql-odbc-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 ODBC plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-sql-pgsql-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 PostgreSQL client plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-sql-sqlite-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Sqlite client plugin for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tmva-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Toolkit for multivariate data analysis EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tmva-gui-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Toolkit for multivariate data analysis GUI EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tmva-python-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Toolkit for multivariate data analysis (Python) EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tmva-r-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Toolkit for multivariate data analysis (R) EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tree-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Tree library for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tree-dataframe-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 A high level interface to ROOT trees EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tree-player-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Library to loop over a ROOT tree EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tree-viewer-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 GUI to browse a ROOT tree EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-tutorial-6.18.02-1.el7.noarch ROOT tutorial scripts and test suite EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-unfold-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Distribution unfolding EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-unuran-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Random number generator library EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-vecops-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 Vector operation extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
root-xproof-6.18.02-1.el7.aarch64 XPROOF extension for ROOT EPEL 7 for aarch64
rpki-client-0.2.0-1.el7.aarch64 RPKI client implementation EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-2.7.0-2.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-devel-2.7.0-2.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers (developer files) EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-doc-2.7.0-2.el7.noarch Suite of nonlinear solvers (documentation) EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-mpich-2.7.0-2.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-mpich-devel-2.7.0-2.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-openmpi-2.7.0-2.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials2-openmpi-devel-2.7.0-2.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
davix-0.7.5-1.el7.aarch64 Toolkit for Http-based file management EPEL 7 for aarch64
davix-devel-0.7.5-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for davix EPEL 7 for aarch64
davix-doc-0.7.5-1.el7.noarch Documentation for davix EPEL 7 for aarch64
davix-libs-0.7.5-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for davix EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-Apache-DBI-1.12-19.el7.noarch Persistent database connections with Apache/mod_perl EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-Apache2-SOAP-0.73-31.el7.noarch A replacement for Apache::SOAP designed to work with mod_perl 2 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-ifcfg-0.18-1.el7.noarch Python cross-platform network interface discovery (ifconfig/ipconfig/ip) EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-SOAP-Lite-1.10-2.el7.noarch Client and server side SOAP implementation EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-regex-2019.08.19-1.el7.aarch64 Alternative regular expression module, to replace re EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-output-0.2.5-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to customize the output in various ways EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-regex-2019.08.19-1.el7.aarch64 Alternative regular expression module, to replace re EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-scons-3.1.1-1.el7.noarch An Open Source software construction tool EPEL 7 for aarch64
scons-doc-3.1.1-1.el7.noarch An Open Source software construction tool EPEL 7 for aarch64
bionetgen-2.5.0-5.el7.aarch64 Software for rule-based modeling of biochemical systems EPEL 7 for aarch64
bionetgen-perl-2.5.0-5.el7.noarch Perl scripts and Models used by bionetgen EPEL 7 for aarch64
kim-api-2.1.3-1.el7.aarch64 Open Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models KIM API EPEL 7 for aarch64
kim-api-devel-2.1.3-1.el7.aarch64 Development headers and libraries for kim-api EPEL 7 for aarch64
kim-api-examples-2.1.3-1.el7.aarch64 Example models for kim-api EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 Molecular Dynamics Simulator EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-data-20190807-2.el7.noarch Data files for LAMMPS EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-devel-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 Development libraries for LAMMPS EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-headers-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 Development headers for LAMMPS EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-mpich-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 LAMMPS MPICH binaries and libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-mpich-devel-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 Development libraries for MPICH LAMMPS EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-openmpi-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 LAMMPS Open MPI binaries and libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-openmpi-devel-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 Development libraries for Open MPI LAMMPS EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-openmpi3-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 LAMMPS Open MPI 3 binaries and libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
lammps-openmpi3-devel-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 Development libraries for Open MPI 3 LAMMPS EPEL 7 for aarch64
libdvbpsi-1.3.3-1.el7.aarch64 Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation EPEL 7 for aarch64
libdvbpsi-devel-1.3.3-1.el7.aarch64 Development package for libdvbpsi EPEL 7 for aarch64
libdvbpsi-doc-1.3.3-1.el7.aarch64 Documentation for libdvbpsi EPEL 7 for aarch64
mock-core-configs-31.2-1.el7.noarch Mock core config files basic chroots EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-devel-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (developer files) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-doc-3.10.4-3.el7.noarch Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (documentation files) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-mpich-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (MPICH) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-mpich-devel-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (MPICH) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-openmpi-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (OpenMPI) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc-openmpi-devel-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (OpenMPI) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc4py-mpich-devel-3.10.1-2.el7.aarch64 petsc4py devel files EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc4py-openmpi-devel-3.10.1-2.el7.aarch64 petsc4py devel files EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc64-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (64bit INTEGER) EPEL 7 for aarch64
petsc64-devel-3.10.4-3.el7.aarch64 Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (64bit INTEGER) EPEL 7 for aarch64
prwd-1.9.1-1.el7.aarch64 A tool to print a reduced working directory EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-bugzilla-cli-2.3.0-1.el7.noarch Command line tool for interacting with Bugzilla EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-bugzilla-2.3.0-1.el7.noarch Python library for interacting with Bugzilla EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-certbot-dns-luadns-0.37.2-1.el7.noarch LuaDNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-petsc4py-mpich-3.10.1-2.el7.aarch64 Python2 bindings for MPICH PETSc EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-petsc4py-openmpi-3.10.1-2.el7.aarch64 Python2 bindings for OpenMPI PETSc EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-lammps-20190807-2.el7.aarch64 LAMMPS Python interface EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-scons-3.1.1-1.el7.noarch An Open Source software construction tool EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-petsc4py-mpich-3.10.1-2.el7.aarch64 Python3 bindings for MPICH PETSc EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-petsc4py-openmpi-3.10.1-2.el7.aarch64 Python3 bindings for OpenMPI PETSc EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-4.1.0-5.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-devel-4.1.0-5.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers (developer files) EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-doc-4.1.0-5.el7.noarch Suite of nonlinear solvers (documentation) EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-mpich-4.1.0-5.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-mpich-devel-4.1.0-5.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-openmpi-4.1.0-5.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
sundials-openmpi-devel-4.1.0-5.el7.aarch64 Suite of nonlinear solvers EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-mitogen-0.2.8-1.el7.noarch Distributed self-replicating programs in Python EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-frameworkintegration-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 workspace and cross-framework integration plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-frameworkintegration-devel-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Development files for kf5-frameworkintegration EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-frameworkintegration-libs-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Runtime libraries for kf5-frameworkintegration. EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kdeclarative-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for Qt declarative EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kdeclarative-devel-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Development files for kf5-kdeclarative EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kwayland-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 KDE Frameworks 5 library that wraps Client and Server Wayland libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kwayland-devel-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Development files for kf5-kwayland EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kxmlgui-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for user-configurable main windows EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kxmlgui-devel-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Development files for kf5-kxmlgui EPEL 7 for aarch64
borgbackup-1.1.10-1.el7.aarch64 A deduplicating backup program with compression and authenticated encryption EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-0.101.4-1.el7.aarch64 End-user tools for the Clam Antivirus scanner EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-data-0.101.4-1.el7.noarch Virus signature data for the Clam Antivirus scanner EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-devel-0.101.4-1.el7.aarch64 Header files and libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-filesystem-0.101.4-1.el7.noarch Filesystem structure for clamav EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-lib-0.101.4-1.el7.aarch64 Dynamic libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-milter-0.101.4-1.el7.aarch64 Milter module for the Clam Antivirus scanner EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamav-update-0.101.4-1.el7.aarch64 Auto-updater for the Clam Antivirus scanner data-files EPEL 7 for aarch64
clamd-0.101.4-1.el7.aarch64 The Clam AntiVirus Daemon EPEL 7 for aarch64
charliecloud-0.9.10-12.el7.aarch64 Lightweight user-defined software stacks for high-performance computing EPEL 7 for aarch64
charliecloud-doc-0.9.10-12.el7.noarch charliecloud html documentation EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird- SQL relational database management system EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-classic- Classic server for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-classic-common- Common files for Firebird "classic" and "superclassic" servers EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-devel- Development Libraries for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-doc- Documentation for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-filesystem- Filesystem for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-libfbclient- Multi-threaded, non-local client libraries for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-libfbembed- Multi-process, local client libraries for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-superclassic- SuperClassic (single process) server for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
firebird-superserver- Superserver (single process) server for Firebird SQL RDBMS EPEL 7 for aarch64
paho-c-1.3.1-0.el7.aarch64 MQTT C Client EPEL 7 for aarch64
paho-c-devel-1.3.1-0.el7.aarch64 MQTT C Client development kit EPEL 7 for aarch64
paho-c-doc-1.3.1-0.el7.noarch MQTT C Client development kit documentation EPEL 7 for aarch64
python34-chardet-3.0.4-1.el7.noarch Character encoding auto-detection in Python 3.4 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-chardet-3.0.4-1.el7.noarch Character encoding auto-detection in Python 3.6 EPEL 7 for aarch64
php-pear-CAS-1.3.8-1.el7.noarch Central Authentication Service client library in php EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-4.4.4-1.el7.aarch64 CUBE Uniform Behavioral Encoding generic presentation component EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-devel-4.4.4-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for cube EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-lrparsing-1.0.16-2.el7.noarch Python 2 library for constructing LR(1) parsers EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-pystalk-0.5.1-2.el7.noarch Python 2 client library for the beanstalkd work queue EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-lrparsing-1.0.16-2.el7.noarch Python 3.6 library for constructing LR(1) parsers EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-pystalk-0.5.1-2.el7.noarch Python 36 library for terminal coloring, styling, and positioning EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-doc-4.4.4-1.el7.noarch Documentation for cube EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-guilib-4.4.4-1.el7.aarch64 GUI library for cube EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-guilib-devel-4.4.4-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for cube-guilib EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-libs-4.4.4-1.el7.aarch64 Non-GUI libraries for cube EPEL 7 for aarch64
cube-libs-devel-4.4.4-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for cube-libs EPEL 7 for aarch64
php-horde-Horde-Core-2.31.10-1.el7.noarch Horde Core Framework libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
distribution-gpg-keys-1.34-1.el7.noarch GPG keys of various Linux distributions EPEL 7 for aarch64
distribution-gpg-keys-copr-1.34-1.el7.noarch GPG keys for Copr projects EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-recursor-4.1.14-1.el7.aarch64 Modern, advanced and high performance recursing/non authoritative name server EPEL 7 for aarch64
wp-cli-2.3.0-1.el7.noarch The command line interface for WordPress EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-pyqt4-sip-4.19.16-2.el7.aarch64 SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator for pyqt4 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-pyqt5-sip-4.19.16-2.el7.aarch64 SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator for pyqt5 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-sip-4.19.16-2.el7.aarch64 SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-sip-devel-4.19.16-2.el7.aarch64 Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library EPEL 7 for aarch64
composer-1.9.0-1.el7.noarch Dependency Manager for PHP EPEL 7 for aarch64
iscan-firmware-20190508-1.el7.noarch Firmware for Epson flatbed scanners EPEL 7 for aarch64
libnghttp2-1.31.1-2.el7.aarch64 A library implementing the HTTP/2 protocol EPEL 7 for aarch64
libnghttp2-devel-1.31.1-2.el7.aarch64 Files needed for building applications with libnghttp2 EPEL 7 for aarch64
nghttp2-1.31.1-2.el7.aarch64 Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy EPEL 7 for aarch64
php-composer-ca-bundle-1.2.3-1.el7.noarch Lets you find a path to the system CA EPEL 7 for aarch64
php-composer-spdx-licenses-1.5.2-1.el7.noarch SPDX licenses list and validation library EPEL 7 for aarch64
powerman-2.3.25-2.el7.aarch64 Centralized power control for clusters EPEL 7 for aarch64
powerman-devel-2.3.25-2.el7.aarch64 Development files for Powerman EPEL 7 for aarch64
rdfind-1.4.1-1.el7.aarch64 Program that finds duplicate files EPEL 7 for aarch64
sleuthkit-4.6.7-1.el7.aarch64 The Sleuth Kit (TSK) EPEL 7 for aarch64
sleuthkit-devel-4.6.7-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for sleuthkit EPEL 7 for aarch64
sleuthkit-libs-4.6.7-1.el7.aarch64 Library for sleuthkit EPEL 7 for aarch64
xxhash-0.7.1-1.el7.aarch64 Extremely fast hash algorithm EPEL 7 for aarch64
xxhash-devel-0.7.1-1.el7.aarch64 Extremely fast hash algorithm - development files EPEL 7 for aarch64
xxhash-libs-0.7.1-1.el7.aarch64 Extremely fast hash algorithm - library EPEL 7 for aarch64
drbdlinks-1.29-1.el7.noarch Program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition EPEL 7 for aarch64
cargo-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Rust's package manager and build tool EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-numexpr-2.7.0-1.el7.aarch64 Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-numexpr-2.7.0-1.el7.aarch64 Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy EPEL 7 for aarch64
cargo-doc-1.37.0-1.el7.noarch Documentation for Cargo EPEL 7 for aarch64
clippy-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code EPEL 7 for aarch64
rls-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Rust Language Server for IDE integration EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 The Rust Programming Language EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-analysis-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Compiler analysis data for the Rust standard library EPEL 7 for aarch64
boinc-client-7.16.1-4.el7.aarch64 The BOINC client EPEL 7 for aarch64
boinc-client-devel-7.16.1-4.el7.aarch64 Development files for boinc-client EPEL 7 for aarch64
boinc-client-doc-7.16.1-4.el7.noarch Documentation files for boinc-client EPEL 7 for aarch64
boinc-client-static-7.16.1-4.el7.aarch64 Static libraries for boinc-client EPEL 7 for aarch64
boinc-manager-7.16.1-4.el7.aarch64 GUI to control and monitor boinc-client EPEL 7 for aarch64
ensmallen-devel-1.16.2-1.el7.aarch64 Header-only C++ library for efficient mathematical optimization EPEL 7 for aarch64
gtk-gnutella-1.1.15-1.el7.aarch64 GUI based Gnutella Client EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Build system tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-builder-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji RPM builder daemon EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-builder-plugins-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji builder plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-hub-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji XMLRPC interface EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-hub-plugins-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji hub plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-utils-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji Utilities EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-vm-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji virtual machine management daemon EPEL 7 for aarch64
koji-web-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji Web UI EPEL 7 for aarch64
lua-sec-0.8.1-1.el7.aarch64 Lua binding for OpenSSL library EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-koji-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Build system tools python library EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-koji-cli-plugins-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji client plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-koji-hub-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji XMLRPC interface EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-koji-hub-plugins-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji hub plugins EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-koji-web-1.18.0-3.el7.noarch Koji Web UI EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-debugger-common-1.37.0-1.el7.noarch Common debugger pretty printers for Rust EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-doc-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Documentation for Rust EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-gdb-1.37.0-1.el7.noarch GDB pretty printers for Rust EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-src-1.37.0-1.el7.noarch Sources for the Rust standard library EPEL 7 for aarch64
rust-std-static-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Standard library for Rust EPEL 7 for aarch64
rustfmt-1.37.0-1.el7.aarch64 Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues EPEL 7 for aarch64
tcping-1.3.5-19.el7.aarch64 Check of TCP connection to a given IP/Port EPEL 7 for aarch64
qt5-qtwebkit-5.9.1-2.el7.aarch64 Qt5 - QtWebKit components EPEL 7 for aarch64
qt5-qtwebkit-devel-5.9.1-2.el7.aarch64 Development files for qt5-qtwebkit EPEL 7 for aarch64
xorgxrdp-0.2.11-1.el7.aarch64 Implementation of xrdp backend as Xorg modules EPEL 7 for aarch64
R-Rcpp-1.0.2-1.el7.aarch64 Seamless R and C++ Integration EPEL 7 for aarch64
R-Rcpp-devel-1.0.2-1.el7.aarch64 Rcpp Development Files EPEL 7 for aarch64
R-Rcpp-examples-1.0.2-1.el7.aarch64 Rcpp Examples EPEL 7 for aarch64
clustershell-1.8.2-1.el7.noarch Python framework for efficient cluster administration EPEL 7 for aarch64
js-jsroot-5.7.1-1.el7.noarch JavaScript ROOT - Interactive numerical data analysis graphics EPEL 7 for aarch64
nfdump-1.6.18-1.el7.aarch64 NetFlow collecting and processing tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
nfdump-libs-1.6.18-1.el7.aarch64 Libraries used by NFDUMP packages EPEL 7 for aarch64
procenv-0.51-1.el7.aarch64 Utility to show process environment EPEL 7 for aarch64
pyotherside-1.5.8-1.el7.aarch64 Asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt 5 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-clustershell-1.8.2-1.el7.noarch ClusterShell module for Python 2 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python34-Cython-0.28.5-1.el7.aarch64 A language for writing Python 3.4 extension modules EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-Cython-0.28.5-1.el7.aarch64 A language for writing Python 3.6 extension modules EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-clustershell-1.8.2-1.el7.noarch ClusterShell module for Python 3 EPEL 7 for aarch64
boost-nowide-0-20190813.gitec9672b.el7.noarch Boost.Nowide makes cross platform Unicode aware programming easier. EPEL 7 for aarch64
boost-nowide-devel-0-20190813.gitec9672b.el7.noarch The header files to compile against boost.nowide EPEL 7 for aarch64
boost-nowide-docs-0-20190813.gitec9672b.el7.noarch Documentation for using the nowide boost module EPEL 7 for aarch64
lldpd-1.0.4-1.el7.aarch64 ISC-licensed implementation of LLDP EPEL 7 for aarch64
lldpd-devel-1.0.4-1.el7.aarch64 ISC-licensed implementation of LLDP EPEL 7 for aarch64
sslh-1.20-1.el7.aarch64 Applicative protocol(SSL/SSH) multiplexer EPEL 7 for aarch64
epel-rpm-macros-7-21.noarch Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux RPM macros EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-pip-8.1.2-10.el7.noarch A tool for installing and managing Python 2 packages EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-requests-gssapi-1.1.0-2.el7.noarch A GSSAPI/SPNEGO authentication handler for python-requests EPEL 7 for aarch64
python34-pip-8.1.2-10.el7.noarch A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-requests-gssapi-1.1.0-2.el7.noarch A GSSAPI/SPNEGO authentication handler for python-requests EPEL 7 for aarch64
yamllint-1.17.0-1.el7.noarch A linter for YAML files EPEL 7 for aarch64
ncdu-1.14.1-1.el7.aarch64 Text-based disk usage viewer EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch A git-centered forge EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-ci-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch A CI service for pagure EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-ev-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch EventSource server for pagure EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-loadjson-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch The loadjson service for pagure EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-logcom-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch The logcom service for pagure EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-milters-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch Milter to integrate pagure with emails EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-mirror-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch The mirroring service for pagure EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-theme-chameleon-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch Web interface based on openSUSE's chameleon theme EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-theme-pagureio-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch Web interface theme used for EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-theme-srcfpo-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch Web interface theme used for EPEL 7 for aarch64
pagure-webhook-5.7.4-2.el7.noarch Web-Hook server for pagure EPEL 7 for aarch64
gramps-5.0.2-1.el7.noarch Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System EPEL 7 for aarch64
hostapd-2.9-1.el7.aarch64 IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator EPEL 7 for aarch64
hostapd-logwatch-2.9-1.el7.aarch64 Logwatch scripts for hostapd EPEL 7 for aarch64
libmodplug- Modplug mod music file format library EPEL 7 for aarch64
libmodplug-devel- Development files for the Modplug mod music file format library EPEL 7 for aarch64
log4net-2.0.8-8.el7.aarch64 A .NET framework for logging EPEL 7 for aarch64
log4net-devel-2.0.8-8.el7.aarch64 A .NET framework for logging EPEL 7 for aarch64
nant-0.92-24.el7.aarch64 NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET EPEL 7 for aarch64
nant-devel-0.92-24.el7.aarch64 Development file for nant EPEL 7 for aarch64
nant-docs-0.92-24.el7.aarch64 Documentation package for nant EPEL 7 for aarch64
nunit2-2.6.4-15.el7.aarch64 Unit test framework for CLI EPEL 7 for aarch64
nunit2-devel-2.6.4-15.el7.aarch64 Development files for NUnit EPEL 7 for aarch64
nunit2-doc-2.6.4-15.el7.aarch64 Documentation package for NUnit EPEL 7 for aarch64
nunit2-gui-2.6.4-15.el7.aarch64 Tools for run NUnit test EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-rospkg-doc-1.1.10-1.el7.noarch Documentation for python-rospkg EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-rospkg-1.1.10-1.el7.noarch Documentation for python-rospkg EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-pyxattr-0.6.1-1.el7.aarch64 Extended attributes library wrapper for Python 36 EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-rospkg-1.1.10-1.el7.noarch Documentation for python-rospkg EPEL 7 for aarch64
alleggl-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 OpenGL support library for Allegro EPEL 7 for aarch64
alleggl-devel-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 Development files for alleggl EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 A game programming library EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-devel-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 A game programming library EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-jack-plugin-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 Allegro JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) plugin EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-loadpng-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 OGG/Vorbis library for the Allegro game library EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-loadpng-devel-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 Development files for loadpng EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-logg-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 OGG/Vorbis library for the Allegro game library EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-logg-devel-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 Development files for logg EPEL 7 for aarch64
allegro-tools-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 Extra tools for the Allegro programming library EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-vcstool-0.2.3-1.el7.noarch Tool to invoke vcs commands on multiple repositories EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-vcstool-0.2.3-1.el7.noarch Tool to invoke vcs commands on multiple repositories EPEL 7 for aarch64
gsi-openssh-7.4p1-5.el7.aarch64 An implementation of the SSH protocol with GSI authentication EPEL 7 for aarch64
gsi-openssh-clients-7.4p1-5.el7.aarch64 SSH client applications with GSI authentication EPEL 7 for aarch64
gsi-openssh-server-7.4p1-5.el7.aarch64 SSH server daemon with GSI authentication EPEL 7 for aarch64
jpgalleg-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 JPEG library for the Allegro game library EPEL 7 for aarch64
jpgalleg-devel-4.4.3-3.el7.aarch64 Development files for jpgalleg EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kconfig-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with advanced configuration system EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kconfig-core-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Non-GUI part of KConfig framework EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kconfig-devel-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 Development files for kf5-kconfig EPEL 7 for aarch64
kf5-kconfig-gui-5.52.0-1.el7.1.aarch64 GUI part of KConfig framework EPEL 7 for aarch64
libmspack-0.5-0.0.7.alpha.el7.aarch64 Library for CAB and related files compression and decompression EPEL 7 for aarch64
libmspack-devel-0.5-0.0.7.alpha.el7.aarch64 Development files for libmspack EPEL 7 for aarch64
nnn-2.6-1.el7.aarch64 The missing terminal file browser for X EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-wheel-0.29.0-2.el7.noarch A built-package format for Python EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-Net-BGP-0.17-1.el7.noarch Perl module for object-oriented API to the BGP protocol EPEL 7 for aarch64
batctl-2019.3-1.el7.aarch64 B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool EPEL 7 for aarch64
pidgin-discord-0-25.20190805git250a8a0.el7.noarch Adds pixmaps, icons and smileys for Discord protocol EPEL 7 for aarch64
pidgin-hangouts-0-65.20190607hg3f7d89b.el7.noarch Adds pixmaps, icons and smileys for Hangouts protocol EPEL 7 for aarch64
purple-discord-0-25.20190805git250a8a0.el7.aarch64 Discord plugin for libpurple EPEL 7 for aarch64
purple-hangouts-0-65.20190607hg3f7d89b.el7.aarch64 Hangouts plugin for libpurple EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-django-bash-completion-1.11.23-1.el7.noarch bash completion files for Django EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-plumbum-1.6.7-2.el7.noarch Shell combinators library EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-django-1.11.23-1.el7.noarch A high-level Python Web framework EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-django-1.11.23-1.el7.noarch A high-level Python Web framework EPEL 7 for aarch64
qdigidoc-4.2.2-4.el7.aarch64 Estonian digital signature and encryption application EPEL 7 for aarch64
qdigidoc-nautilus-4.2.2-4.el7.aarch64 Nautilus extension for qdigidoc EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrdcl-http-4.10.0-2.el7.aarch64 HTTP client plug-in for XRootD EPEL 7 for aarch64
igraph-0.7.1-12.el7.aarch64 Library for creating and manipulating graphs EPEL 7 for aarch64
igraph-devel-0.7.1-12.el7.aarch64 Development files for igraph EPEL 7 for aarch64
jhead-3.03-4.el7.aarch64 Tool for displaying EXIF data embedded in JPEG images EPEL 7 for aarch64
lua-luaossl-20190731-1.el7.aarch64 Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe EPEL 7 for aarch64
lua-luaossl-doc-20190731-1.el7.noarch Documentation for OpenSSL Lua module EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-ns1-python-0.11.0-1.el7.noarch Python SDK for the NS1 DNS platform EPEL 7 for aarch64
python34-setuptools-39.2.0-4.el7.noarch Easily build and distribute Python 3.4 packages EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-ns1-python-0.11.0-1.el7.noarch Python SDK for the NS1 DNS platform EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-plumbum-1.6.7-2.el7.noarch Shell combinators library EPEL 7 for aarch64
mlpack-3.1.1-1.el7.aarch64 Scalable, fast C++ machine learning library EPEL 7 for aarch64
mlpack-bin-3.1.1-1.el7.aarch64 Command-line executables for mlpack (machine learning library) EPEL 7 for aarch64
mlpack-devel-3.1.1-1.el7.aarch64 Development headers for mlpack (C++ machine learning library) EPEL 7 for aarch64
mlpack-doc-3.1.1-1.el7.aarch64 Doxygen documentation for mlpack (C++ machine learning library) EPEL 7 for aarch64
open62541-0.3.1-1.el7.aarch64 OPC UA implementation EPEL 7 for aarch64
open62541-devel-0.3.1-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for open62541 EPEL 7 for aarch64
ocproxy-1.60-1.20190728gitc98f06d.el7.aarch64 OpenConnect Proxy EPEL 7 for aarch64
389-adminutil-1.1.22-2.el7.aarch64 Utility library for 389 administration EPEL 7 for aarch64
389-adminutil-devel-1.1.22-2.el7.aarch64 Development and header files for 389-adminutil EPEL 7 for aarch64
coturn- TURN/STUN & ICE Server EPEL 7 for aarch64
coturn-client-devel- Coturn client development headers EPEL 7 for aarch64
coturn-client-libs- TURN client library EPEL 7 for aarch64
coturn-utils- Coturn utils EPEL 7 for aarch64
fedpkg-1.37-7.el7.noarch Fedora utility for working with dist-git EPEL 7 for aarch64
fedpkg-stage-1.37-7.el7.noarch Fedora utility for working with dist-git EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-geoip-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 GeoIP backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-ldap-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 LDAP backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-lua-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 LUA backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-mydns-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 MyDNS backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-mysql-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 MySQL backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-pipe-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 Pipe backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-postgresql-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 PostgreSQL backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-remote-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 Remote backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-sqlite-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 SQLite backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-backend-tinydns-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 TinyDNS backend for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
pdns-tools-4.1.11-1.el7.aarch64 Extra tools for pdns EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-xrootd-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Python 2 bindings for xrootd EPEL 7 for aarch64
python34-xrootd-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Python 3 bindings for xrootd EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-package-information-0.2.3-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to output package information EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-colcon-python-setup-py-0.2.2-1.el7.noarch Extension for colcon to support Python packages with a file EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-xrootd-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Python 3 bindings for xrootd EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Extended ROOT file server EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-client-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Xrootd command line client tools EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-client-devel-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for xrootd clients EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-client-libs-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Libraries used by xrootd clients EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-devel-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for xrootd EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-doc-4.10.0-1.el7.noarch Developer documentation for the xrootd libraries EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-fuse-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Xrootd FUSE tool EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-libs-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Libraries used by xrootd servers and clients EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-private-devel-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Legacy xrootd headers EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-selinux-4.10.0-1.el7.noarch SELinux policy module for the xrootd server EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-server-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Xrootd server daemons EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-server-devel-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Development files for xrootd servers EPEL 7 for aarch64
xrootd-server-libs-4.10.0-1.el7.aarch64 Libraries used by xrootd servers EPEL 7 for aarch64
HepMC-2.06.10-1.el7.aarch64 C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators EPEL 7 for aarch64
HepMC-devel-2.06.10-1.el7.aarch64 C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - development files EPEL 7 for aarch64
HepMC-doc-2.06.10-1.el7.noarch C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators - documentation EPEL 7 for aarch64
firefox-pkcs11-loader-3.13.3-1.el7.aarch64 Helper script for Firefox that sets up the browser for authentication with Estonian ID-card EPEL 7 for aarch64
librsync-2.0.2-1.el7.aarch64 Rsync remote-delta algorithm library EPEL 7 for aarch64
librsync-devel-2.0.2-1.el7.aarch64 Headers and development libraries for librsync EPEL 7 for aarch64
librsync-doc-2.0.2-1.el7.noarch Documentation files for librsync EPEL 7 for aarch64
libzstd-1.4.2-1.el7.aarch64 Zstd shared library EPEL 7 for aarch64
libzstd-devel-1.4.2-1.el7.aarch64 Header files for Zstd library EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-Schedule-Cron-Events-1.95-10.el7.noarch Take a line from a crontab and find out when events will occur EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-pyvirtualize-doc-0.9-6.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch Documentation files for pyVirtualize EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-vpoller-doc-0.7.3-6.el7.noarch Documentation files for Distributed vSphere API Proxy EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-pyvirtualize-0.9-6.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch Another python frontend to access and manage pyvmomi EPEL 7 for aarch64
python34-pyvirtualize-0.9-6.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch Another python frontend to access and manage pyvmomi EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-pyvirtualize-0.9-6.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch Another python frontend to access and manage pyvmomi EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-vconnector-0.5.3-4.el7.noarch vSphere Connector Module for Python EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-vevents-0.1.0-0.2.20149631git3ff37a2.el7.noarch vSphere Events from the command-line EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-vpoller-0.7.3-6.el7.noarch Distributed vSphere API Proxy EPEL 7 for aarch64
scdoc-1.9.6-2.el7.aarch64 Tool for generating roff manual pages EPEL 7 for aarch64
upx-3.95-4.el7.aarch64 Ultimate Packer for eXecutables EPEL 7 for aarch64
vpoller-0.7.3-6.el7.noarch Executable binaries for Distributed vSphere API Proxy EPEL 7 for aarch64
webextension-token-signing-1.0.9-1.el7.aarch64 Chrome and Firefox extension for signing with your eID on the web EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001-4.el7.aarch64 UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm EPEL 7 for aarch64
zstd-1.4.2-1.el7.aarch64 Zstd compression library EPEL 7 for aarch64
perl-Date-Holidays-DE-2.02-3.el7.noarch Perl module to determine German holidays EPEL 7 for aarch64
suricata-4.1.4-3.el7.aarch64 Intrusion Detection System EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-wstool-0.1.17-1.el7.noarch Tool for managing a workspace of multiple heterogeneous SCM repositories EPEL 7 for aarch64
python36-wstool-0.1.17-1.el7.noarch Tool for managing a workspace of multiple heterogeneous SCM repositories EPEL 7 for aarch64
copr-cli-1.80-1.el7.noarch Command line interface for COPR EPEL 7 for aarch64
python-copr-doc-1.96-1.el7.noarch Code documentation for python-copr package EPEL 7 for aarch64
python2-copr-1.96-1.el7.noarch Python interface for Copr EPEL 7 for aarch64
redhat-display-fonts-2.3.2-1.el7.noarch Red Hat Display fonts EPEL 7 for aarch64
redhat-text-fonts-2.3.2-1.el7.noarch Red Hat Text fonts EPEL 7 for aarch64
iftop-1.0-0.21.pre4.el7.aarch64 Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interface EPEL 7 for aarch64
cppcheck-1.88-3.el7.aarch64 Tool for static C/C++ code analysis EPEL 7 for aarch64
cppcheck-gui-1.88-3.el7.aarch64 Graphical user interface for cppcheck EPEL 7 for aarch64
cppcheck-htmlreport-1.88-3.el7.aarch64 HTML reporting for cppcheck EPEL 7 for aarch64

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Thu May 9 13:34:23 2024