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RPM of Group Development/Languages/Ruby

cmpi-bindings-ruby-1.0.4-1.12 Adapter to write and run CMPI-type CIM providers in Ruby linux/i586
libcaca-ruby-0.99.beta20-2.2 Ruby bindings for libcaca linux/i586
libmruby3_1_0-3.1.0-1.9 Lightweight Ruby Embedded Environment linux/i586
libmruby_core3_1_0-3.1.0-1.9 Lightweight Ruby Embedded Environment linux/i586
mruby-3.1.0-1.9 Lightweight Ruby linux/i586
mruby-devel-3.1.0-1.9 Lightweight Ruby Embedded Environment linux/i586
ruby-3.3-1.4 An Interpreted Object-Oriented Scripting Language linux/i586
ruby-apparmor-4.0.1-7.1 Ruby interface for libapparmor functions linux/i586New
ruby-devel-3.3-1.4 Development files to link against Ruby linux/i586
ruby-libprelude-5.2.0-3.2 Ruby bindings for libprelude linux/i586
ruby-marisa-0.2.6-1.14 Ruby bindings for marisa linux/i586
ruby-rrdtool-1.8.0-4.5 Ruby bindings for RRDtool linux/i586
ruby-selinux-3.6-1.6 Ruby bindings for the SELinux runtime library linux/i586
ruby-solv-0.7.29-2.1 Ruby bindings for the libsolv library linux/i586New
ruby-xapian-1.4.21-3.2 Files needed for developing Ruby scripts which use Xapian linux/i586
ruby-yui-4.6.1-1.5 Ruby bindings for libyui linux/i586
ruby3.3-3.3.2-2.1 An Interpreted Object-Oriented Scripting Language linux/i586New
ruby3.3-devel-3.3.2-2.1 Development files to link against Ruby linux/i586New
ruby3.3-devel-extra-3.3.2-2.1 Special development files of ruby, normally not installed linux/i586New
ruby3.3-doc-3.3.2-2.1 Documentation and samples for Ruby linux/i586New
ruby3.3-rubygem-Ascii85-1.1.0-1.11 Ascii85 encoder/decoder linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-abstract_method-1.2.1-2.10 Tiny library enabling you to define abstract methods in Ruby classes linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-actioncable-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 WebSocket framework for Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-actionmailbox-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Inbound email handling framework linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-actionmailer-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Email composition and delivery framework (part of Rails) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-actionpack-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-actiontext-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Rich text framework linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-actionview-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-activejob-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Job framework with pluggable queues linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-activemodel-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 A toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-activerecord-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-activestorage-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Local and cloud file storage framework linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-activesupport-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-addressable-2.8.6-1.5 URI Implementation linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-aes_key_wrap-1.1.0-1.10 A Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap, a.k.a RFC 3394, a.k.a NIST linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-afm-0.2.2-1.10 reading Adobe Font Metrics (afm) files linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-airbrussh-1.5.1-1.2 Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-amq-protocol-2.3.2-1.10 AMQP 0.9.1 encoding & decoding library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-arel-9.0.0-2.10 Arel Really Exasperates Logicians linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-asciidoctor-2.0.20-1.5 An implementation of the AsciiDoc text processor and publishing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ast-2.4.2-1.10 A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-attr_required-1.0.2-1.2 attr_required and attr_optional linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-autoprefixer-rails- Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-axiom-types-0.1.1-1.10 Abstract types for logic programming linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-backport-1.2.0-1.10 A pure Ruby library for event-driven IO linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-base32-0.3.4-1.10 Ruby extension for base32 encoding and decoding linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bcrypt-3.1.20-1.5 OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bcrypt_pbkdf-1.1.0-1.11 OpenBSD's bcrypt_pbkdf (a variant of PBKDF2 with bcrypt-based PRF) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-benchmark-0.3.0-2.1 A performance benchmarking library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bindata-2.4.15-1.5 A declarative way to read and write binary file formats linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bindex-0.8.1-1.10 Bindings for your Ruby exceptions linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-binding_of_caller-1.0.0-1.10 Retrieve the binding of a method's caller, or further up the stack linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bootsnap-1.17.1-1.2 Boot large ruby/rails apps faster linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-builder-3.2.4-1.10 Builders for MarkUp linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bundler-2.4.22-1.5 The best way to manage your application's dependencies linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-bundler-audit-0.9.1-1.11 Patch-level verification for Bundler linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-byebug-11.1.3-1.11 Ruby fast debugger - base + CLI linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-capistrano-3.18.0-1.5 Capistrano - Welcome to easy deployment with Ruby over SSH linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-celluloid-0.18.0-1.10 Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-cfa-1.0.2-1.10 CFA (Config Files API) provides an easy way to create models on top linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-cfa_grub2-2.0.0-1.10 Models for GRUB2 configuration files linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-changelog_generator-0.3.0-1.11 Create changelog for SLE images for Docker linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-cheetah-1.0.0-1.10 Your swiss army knife for executing external commands in Ruby safely linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-chef-utils-18.3.0-1.5 Basic utility functions for Core Chef Infra development linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-childprocess-5.0.0-1.2 A simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-coderay-1.1.3-1.11 Fast syntax highlighting for selected languages linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-coercible-1.0.0-1.10 Powerful, flexible and configurable coercion library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-coffee-rails-5.0.0-2.11 CoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-coffee-script-2.4.1-1.11 Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-coffee-script-source-1.12.2-1.10 The CoffeeScript Compiler linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-colorator-1.1.0-1.10 Colorize your text in the terminal linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-concurrent-ruby-1.2.3-1.2 Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, linux/i586 A cool framework for doing high performance I/O in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-crack-0.4.5-1.10 Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-crass-1.0.6-1.10 CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-cri-2.15.11-3.10 a library for building easy-to-use command-line tools linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-css_parser-1.12.0-1.10 Ruby CSS parser linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-csv-3.2.8-1.5 CSV Reading and Writing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-debase-ruby_core_source-3.3.1-1.2 Provide Ruby core source files linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-debug_inspector-1.2.0-1.2 A Ruby wrapper for the MRI 2.0 debug_inspector API linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-delayed_job-4.1.11-1.10 Database-backed asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-delayed_job_active_record-4.1.8-1.5 ActiveRecord backend for DelayedJob linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-descendants_tracker-0.0.4-1.10 Module that adds descendant tracking to a class linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-devise-4.9.4-1.1 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-devise-i18n-1.12.0-1.5 Translations for the devise gem linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-devise_ldap_authenticatable-0.8.7-1.10 Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-diff-lcs-1.5.0-2.1 Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-diffy-3.4.2-1.10 A convenient way to diff string in ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-docile-1.4.0-1.10 Ruby gem to treat Ruby objects as a domain-specific language linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-docker-api-2.2.0-1.10 A simple REST client for the Docker Remote API linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-domain_name-0.6.20240107-1.2 Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-down-5.4.1-1.5 Robust streaming downloads using Net::HTTP, HTTP.rb or wget linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-configurable-1.0.1-1.9 A mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-container-0.11.0-1.10 A simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-core-1.0.0-1.9 A toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-equalizer-0.3.0-1.10 Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-inflector-1.0.0-1.9 String inflections for dry-rb linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-logic-1.5.0-1.9 Predicate logic with rule composition linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-dry-types-1.7.1-1.5 Type system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ed25519-1.3.0-1.11 An efficient digital signature library providing the Ed25519 linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-em-websocket-0.5.3-1.10 EventMachine based WebSocket server linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-equalizer-0.0.11-1.10 Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-erubi-1.12.0-1.5 Small ERB Implementation linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-erubis-2.7.0-6.11 a fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-eventmachine-1.2.7-1.12 Ruby/EventMachine library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-exception_notification-4.5.0-1.10 Exception notification for Rails apps linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-excon-0.109.0-1.2 speed, persistence, http(s) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-execjs-2.9.1-1.6 Run JavaScript code from Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fake_ftp-0.3.0-1.10 A fake FTP server for use with RSpec linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fake_ftp-0_1-0.1.1-1.10 A fake FTP server for use with RSpec linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-faraday-2.7.11-1.5 HTTP/REST API client library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-faraday-follow_redirects-0.3.0-1.10 Faraday 2.x compatible extraction of linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-faraday-net_http-3.0.2-1.9 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fast_gettext-2.3.0-1.5 A simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe implementation of linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fast_gettext-1.1-1.1.2-1.10 A simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe implementation of linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ffi-1.16.3-1.5 Ruby FFI linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ffi-compiler-1.0.1-1.10 Ruby FFI Rakefile generator linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-flog-4.8.0-1.5 Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fluentd-1.16.3-1.5 Fluentd event collector linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fog-core-2.4.0-1.2 Shared classes and tests for fog providers and services linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fog-json-1.2.0-1.10 JSON parsing for fog providers linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fog-libvirt-0.12.0-1.5 Module for the 'fog' gem to support libvirt linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-fog-xml-0.1.4-1.10 XML parsing for fog providers linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-font-awesome-rails- an asset gemification of the font-awesome icon font library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-formatador-1.1.0-4.10 STDOUT text formatting linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-forwardable-extended-2.6.0-1.10 Forwardable with hash, and instance variable extensions linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gem2rpm-0.10.1-23.2 Generate rpm specfiles from gems linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-get_process_mem-0.2.7-1.10 Use GetProcessMem to find out the amount of RAM used by any process linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gettext-3.4.3-1.11 Gettext is a pure Ruby libary and tools to localize messages linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails-1.12.0-1.5 Simple FastGettext Rails integration linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-2.0.0-1.5 Extends gettext_i18n_rails making your .po files available to client linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gli-2.21.1-1.5 Build command-suite CLI apps that are awesome linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-globalid-1.2.1-1.5 Refer to any model with a URI: gid://app/class/id linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-google-protobuf-3.25.2-2.1 Protocol Buffers linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-googleapis-common-protos-types-1.11.0-1.2 Common protocol buffer types used in Google APIs linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gpgme-2.0.23-1.5 Ruby binding of GPGME linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-grpc-1.63.0-1.1 GRPC system in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gssapi-1.3.1-1.10 A FFI wrapper around the system GSSAPI library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-gyoku-1.4.0-1.10 Translates Ruby Hashes to XML linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-haml-6.3.0-1.2 An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-haml-rails-2.1.0-1.10 let your Gemfile do the configuring linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hashdiff-1.1.0-1.2 Hashdiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hashery-2.1.2-2.10 Facets-bread collection of Hash-like classes linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hashicorp-checkpoint-0.1.5-1.10 Internal HashiCorp service to check version information linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hashie-5.0.0-1.10 Your friendly neighborhood hash library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-highline-2.1.0-1.5 HighLine is a high-level command-line IO library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hitimes-2.0.0-1.10 A fast, high resolution timer library for recording peformance linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hoe-4.2.0-1.2 Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-hpricot-0.8.6-2.12 A fast and flexible HTML Parser linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-html2haml-2.3.0-1.11 Converts HTML into Haml linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-http-cookie-1.0.5-1.10 A Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-http-form_data-2.3.0-1.10 http-form_data-2.3.0 linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-http_parser.rb-0.8.0-1.12 Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-httpclient-2.8.3-1.11 gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-i18n-1.14.1-2.5 New wave Internationalization support for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ice_nine-0.11.2-1.10 Deep Freeze Ruby Objects linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-importmap-rails-2.0.1-1.2 Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-inifile-3.0.0-1.10 INI file reader and writer linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-jaro_winkler-1.5.6-1.5 Ruby & C implementation of Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm which supports UTF-8 string linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-jbuilder-2.11.5-1.10 Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-jekyll-watch-2.2.1-1.10 Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes with the `--watch` linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-jquery-rails-4.6.0-1.5 Use jQuery with Rails 4+ linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-js-routes-2.2.8-1.5 Brings Rails named routes to javascript linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-json-2.7.1-1.2 JSON Implementation for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-json-jwt-1.16.5-1.2 JSON Web Token and its family (JSON Web Signature, JSON Web linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-json-schema-4.1.1-1.5 Ruby JSON Schema Validator linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-json_pure-2.7.1-1.2 JSON Implementation for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-jwt-2.7.1-1.5 JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-kgio-2.11.4-1.12 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-kramdown-2.4.0-1.11 kramdown is a fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-kramdown-parser-gfm-1.1.0-1.10 kramdown-parser-gfm provides a kramdown parser for the GFM dialect linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-language_server-protocol- A Language Server Protocol SDK linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-launchy-2.5.2-1.5 Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-libyui-rake-0.1.24-1.10 Rake tasks that provide basic workflow for libyui development linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-lightbox2-2.11.3-1.10 lightbox2 for Ruby on Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-liquid-5.4.0-2.10 A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-liquid-4-4.0.4-1.5 A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-listen-3.8.0-2.5 Listen to file modifications linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-little-plugger-1.1.4-1.10 LittlePlugger is a module that provides Gem based plugin management linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-llhttp-ffi-0.5.0-1.5 Ruby FFI bindings for llhttp linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-locale-2.1.3-1.10 Ruby-Locale is the pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-log4r-1.1.10-9.10 Log4r, logging framework for ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-logging-2.3.1-1.10 A flexible and extendable logging library for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-loofah-2.22.0-1.5 HTML/XML manipulation and sanitization based on Nokogiri linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mail-2.8.1-1.5 Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-manpages-0.6.1-1.11 Adds support for man pages to rubygems linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-marcel-1.0.2-1.10 Simple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mercenary-0.4.0-1.10 Lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-method_source-1.0.0-1.10 retrieve the sourcecode for a method linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-micromachine-3.0.0-1.10 Minimal Finite State Machine linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mime-0.4.4-1.10 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mime-types-3.5.2-1.2 The mime-types library provides a library and registry for linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mime-types-data-3.2023.1205-1.2 mime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME media linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mimemagic-0.4.3-1.10 Fast mime detection by extension or content linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mini_magick-4.12.0-1.9 Manipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick / linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mini_mime-1.1.5-1.5 A minimal mime type library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mini_portile2-2.8.5-1.5 Simple autoconf and cmake builder for developers linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-minitar-0.9-1.10 The minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mixlib-authentication-3.0.10-1.10 Mixes in simple per-request authentication linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mixlib-cli-2.1.8-1.10 A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mixlib-config-3.0.27-1.10 A class based configuration library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mixlib-log-3.0.9-1.10 A gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mixlib-shellout-3.2.7-1.10 Run external commands on Unix or Windows linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mocha-2.1.0-1.5 Mocking and stubbing library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-moneta-1.6.0-1.5 A unified interface to key/value stores, including Redis, Memcached, linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-msgpack-1.7.2-1.5 MessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-multi_json-1.15.0-1.10 A common interface to multiple JSON libraries linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-multi_xml-0.6.0-1.10 A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-multipart-post-2.3.0-1.5 A multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mustache-1.1.1-1.11 Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mustermann-3.0.0-1.10 Your personal string matching expert linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mustermann-grape-1.1.0-1.5 Grape syntax for Mustermann linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-mysql2-0.5.5-2.1 A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-net-ldap-0.19.0-1.2 Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-net-scp-4.0.0-1.10 A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-net-sftp-4.0.0-1.10 A pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-net-ssh-7.2.1-1.2 Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-net-ssh-6.1-6.1.0-1.10 Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-netrc-0.11.0-1.10 Library to read and write netrc files linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-nio4r-2.7.0-1.2 New IO for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-nokogiri-1.15.5-1.10 Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-nori-2.6.0-1.10 XML to Hash translator linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-oauth2-2.0.9-1.10 A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-omniauth-2.1.2-1.2 A generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-omniauth-oauth2-1.8.0-1.10 An abstract OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-optimist-3.1.0-1.5 Optimist is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-orm_adapter-0.5.0-4.10 orm_adapter provides a single point of entry for using basic linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-os-1.1.4-1.10 Simple and easy way to know if you're on windows or not (reliably), linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks-1.5.4-1.5 Rake tasks providing tasks to package project in git and integration linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-paint-2.3.0-1.10 Terminal painter! linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pairing_heap-3.0.1-1.5 Performant priority queue in pure ruby with support for changing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-parallel-1.24.0-1.2 Run any kind of code in parallel processes linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-parallel_tests-4.4.0-1.2 Run Test::Unit / RSpec / Cucumber / Spinach in parallel linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-parser- A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-passenger-6.0.20-2.1 A fast and robust web server and application server for Ruby, Python linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-path_expander-1.1.1-1.10 PathExpander helps pre-process command-line arguments expanding linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pathutil-0.16.2-1.10 Almost like Pathname but just a little less insane linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pdf-core-0.9.0-1.10 PDF::Core is used by Prawn to render PDF documents linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pdf-reader-2.12.0-1.2 A library for accessing the content of PDF files linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pg-1.5.4-1.2 Pg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pkg-config-1.5.6-1.5 A pkg-config implementation for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-po_to_json-2.0.0-1.5 Convert gettext PO files to JSON linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-polyglot-0.3.5-1.10 Augment 'require' to load non-Ruby file types linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-prawn-2.4.0-1.10 A fast and nimble PDF generator for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-prawn-core-0.8.4-1.10 A fast and nimble PDF generator for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-prawn-icon-3.1.0-1.10 Provides icon fonts for PrawnPDF linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-prawn-table-0.2.2-1.10 Provides tables for PrawnPDF linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-prawn-templates-0.1.2-1.10 Prawn::Templates allows using PDFs as templates in Prawn linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pry-0.14.2-1.5 A runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pry-doc-1.5.0-1.2 Provides YARD and extended documentation support for Pry linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-public_suffix-5.0.4-1.2 Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-public_suffix-3.1-3.1.1-1.10 Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-puma-6.4.2-1.2 Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-puma-5-5.6.8-1.2 Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-puma_worker_killer-0.3.1-1.10 If you have a memory leak in your web code puma_worker_killer can linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-pundit-2.3.1-1.5 OO authorization for Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack- A modular Ruby webserver interface linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack-2.2-2.2.9-1.2 A modular Ruby webserver interface linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack-accept-0.4.5-1.10 HTTP Accept* for Ruby/Rack linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack-oauth2-2.2.1-1.2 OAuth 2.0 Server & Client Library - Both Bearer token type are linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack-protection-4.0.0-1.2 Protect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack-proxy-0.7.7-1.5 A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rack-test-0_6-0.6.3-1.10 Simple testing API built on Rack linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rails-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Full-stack web application framework linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rails-dom-testing-2.2.0-1.5 Dom and Selector assertions for Rails applications linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer-1.6.0-1.5 HTML sanitization to Rails applications (part of Rails) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rails-i18n-7.0.8-1.5 Common locale data and translations for Rails i18n linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-railties-7.0-7.0.8-1.5 Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rainbow-3.1.1-1.10 Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-raindrops-0.20.1-1.5 real-time stats for preforking Rack servers linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rake-compiler-1.2.6-1.2 Rake-based Ruby Extension (C, Java) task generator linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rb-fsevent-0.11.2-1.10 Very simple & usable FSEvents API linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rb-inotify-0.10.1-1.10 A Ruby wrapper for Linux inotify, using FFI linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rb-kqueue-0.2.8-1.10 A Ruby wrapper for BSD's kqueue, using FFI linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rdiscount-2.2.7-1.11 Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-red-datasets-0.1.7-1.5 Red Datasets provides classes that provide common datasets such as linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-regexp_parser-2.9.0-1.2 Scanner, lexer, parser for ruby's regular expressions linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-responders-3.1.1-1.5 A set of Rails responders to dry up your application linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-reverse_markdown-2.1.1-1.11 Convert html code into markdown linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rgl-0.6.6-1.5 Ruby Graph Library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rice-4.2.1-1.2 Ruby Interface for C++ Extensions linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ronn-0.7.3-2.11 Builds manuals linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rouge-4.2.0-1.5 A pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rpm-0.0.5-1.10 Ruby bindings for rpm (package manager) linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-3.12.0-1.9 Meta-gem that depends on the other components linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-3_5-3.5.0-1.10 Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-core-3.12.2-1.5 RSpec runner and formatters linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-core-3_5-3.5.4-1.11 RSpec runner and formatters linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.12.3-1.5 API to express expected outcomes of a code example linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-expectations-3_5-3.5.0-1.10 Provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-its-1.3.0-1.10 Provides "its" method formerly part of rspec-core linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-mocks-3.12.6-1.5 RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-mocks-3_5-3.5.0-1.10 RSpecs test double framework, with support for stubbing and mocking linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-rails-6.1.1-1.2 RSpec for Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-rails-4.0-4.0.2-1.10 RSpec for Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-support-3.12.1-1.5 Common code needed by the other RSpec gems linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rspec-support-3_5-3.5.0-1.10 Common code needed by the other RSpec gems linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rubocop-1.62.1-1.2 Automatic Ruby code style checking tool linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rubocop-ast-1.31.2-1.2 RuboCop tools to deal with Ruby code AST linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby-augeas-0.5.0-4.1 Ruby bindings for augeas linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby-dbus-0.23.1-2.4 Ruby module for interaction with D-Bus linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby-libvirt-0.8.0-1.11 Ruby bindings for LIBVIRT linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby-openid-2.9.2-1.10 A library for consuming and serving OpenID identities linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby-progressbar-1.13.0-1.5 Ruby/ProgressBar is a flexible text progress bar library for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby-rc4-0.1.5-1.10 RubyRC4 is a pure Ruby implementation of the RC4 algorithm linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby2_keywords-0.0.5-1.10 Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ruby_parser-3.21.0-1.2 ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rubyntlm-0.6.3-1.10 Ruby/NTLM library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-rubyzip-2.3.2-1.10 Ruby module for reading and writing zip files linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-safe_yaml-1.0.5-1.11 SameYAML provides an alternative implementation of YAML.load linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sass-3.7.4-1.11 A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sass-listen-4.0.0-1.10 Fork of guard/listen linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sass-rails-6.0.0-1.10 Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sass-rails-5.1-5.1.0-1.10 Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sassc-2.4.0-2.13 Use libsass with Ruby! linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sassc-rails-2.1.2-1.10 Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sdoc-2.6.1-1.5 rdoc html with javascript search index linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-semantic_range-3.0.0-1.10 node-semver rewritten in ruby, for comparison and inclusion of linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-serverengine-2.3.2-1.5 ServerEngine - multiprocess server framework linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sexp_processor-4.17.1-1.2 sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sigdump-0.2.5-1.5 Setup signal handler which dumps backtrace of running threads and linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-simplecov-0.22.0-1.5 Code coverage for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-simplecov-html-0.12.3-1.10 Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+ linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-simplecov_json_formatter-0.1.4-1.10 JSON formatter for SimpleCov linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-simpleidn-0.2.1-1.10 Punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 (and vice-versa) string conversion linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-slim-5.2.1-1.2 Slim is a template language linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-slop-4.10.1-1.5 Simple Lightweight Option Parsing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-snaky_hash-2.0.1-1.10 A very snaky hash linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-spring-4.1.3-1.5 Rails application preloader linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sprockets-4.2.1-1.5 Rack-based asset packaging system linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sprockets-3.7-3.7.2-1.11 Rack-based asset packaging system linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sprockets-helpers-1.4.0-1.10 Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sprockets-rails-3.4.2-1.10 Sprockets Rails integration linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sqlite3-1.4.4-1.12 This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sshkit-1.22.0-1.2 SSHKit makes it easy to write structured, testable SSH commands in linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-stimulus-rails-1.3.3-1.2 A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-stomp-1.4.10-1.11 Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-stream-0.5.5-1.10 stream - Extended External Iterators linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-strptime-0.2.5-1.11 a fast strptime/strftime engine linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-swd-2.0.3-1.2 SWD (Simple Web Discovery) Client Library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-sync-0.5.0-1.10 A module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-temple-0.10.3-1.5 Template compilation framework in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-terminal-table-3.0.2-1.10 Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-terminal-table-2-2.0.0-1.10 Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-text-1.3.1-1.10 A collection of text algorithms linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-thor-1.3.0-1.5 Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-thread_safe-0.3.6-1.10 Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-tilt-2.3.0-1.5 Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-timers-4.3.5-1.10 Pure Ruby one-shot and periodic timers linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-tomlrb-2.0.3-1.10 A racc based toml parser linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-treetop-1.6.12-1.10 A Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-trollop-2.9.10-1.10 Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-ttfunk-1.7.0-1.10 TrueType Font Metrics Parser linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-turbo-rails-1.5.0-1.5 The speed of a single-page web application without having to write linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-turbolinks-5.2.1-1.10 Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-turbolinks-source-5.2.0-1.10 Turbolinks JavaScript assets linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-tzinfo-2.0.6-1.5 Time Zone Library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-tzinfo-1.2-1.2.11-1.5 Daylight savings aware timezone library linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-tzinfo-data-1.2023.4-1.2 Timezone Data for TZInfo linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-uglifier-4.2.0-1.11 Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-unf-0.1.4-1.10 A wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-unf_ext- Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-unicode-display_width-2.5.0-1.5 Determines the monospace display width of a string in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-unicode-display_width-1-1.8.0-1.10 Determines the monospace display width of a string in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-vagrant-spec- Tool and library for testing Vagrant plugins linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-vagrant_cloud-3.1.1-1.3 Ruby library for the HashiCorp Vagrant Cloud API linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-validate_email-0.1.6-1.10 Library for validating email addresses in Rails 3 models linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-validate_url-1.0.15-1.10 Library for validating urls in Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-version_gem-1.1.3-1.5 Enhance your VERSION! Sugar for Version modules linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-virtus-2.0.0-1.10 Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-warden-1.2.9-1.10 An authentication library compatible with all Rack-based frameworks linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-web-console-4.2.1-1.5 A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-webfinger-2.1.3-1.2 Ruby WebFinger client library, following IETF WebFinger WG spec linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-webmock-3.19.1-1.5 Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-webpacker-5.4.4-1.5 Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-webrick-1.8.1-1.5 HTTP server toolkit linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-websocket-1.2.10-1.5 Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-websocket-driver-0.7.6-1.5 WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-websocket-extensions-0.1.5-1.10 Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-winrm-2.3.6-1.11 Ruby library for Windows Remote Management linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-winrm-elevated-1.2.3-1.10 Ruby library for running commands as elevated linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-winrm-fs-1.3.5-1.11 WinRM File System linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-xdg-8.0.0-1.3 A XDG Base Directory Specification implementation linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-xdg-2-2.2.5-1.10 XDG provides an interface for using XDG directory standard linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-xml-simple-1.1.9-1.10 A simple API for XML processing linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-xmlhash-1.3.9-1.5 Xmlhash is a naive form of XML::Simple linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-xmlrpc-0.3.3-1.5 XMLRPC is a lightweight protocol that enables remote procedure calls linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-yajl-ruby-1.4.3-1.11 Ruby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-yard-0.9.34-2.1 Documentation tool for consistent and usable documentation in Ruby linux/i586
ruby3.3-rubygem-yast-rake-0.2.51-1.1 Rake tasks providing basic work-flow for Yast development linux/i586New
ruby3.3-rubygem-zeitwerk-2.6.12-1.5 Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader linux/i586
rubygem-passenger-apache2-6.0.20-2.1 Passenger apache module linux/i586
rubygem-passenger-nginx-6.0.20-2.1 Passenger Nginx module linux/i586
vagrant-sshfs-testsuite-1.3.7-3.10 Testsuite for vagrant-sshfs linux/i586

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Wed Jun 12 23:47:02 2024